Sunday, January 4, 2009


On the trip home from Ohio, we discussed our New Year's Resolutions. We decided that they should be both in the spirit of self-improvement and achievable.

Me: I resolve to exercise more and to finish my book in 2009.

Daddy Shortbread: I resolve to exercise more and organize our family's financial files.

Bug: I resolve to be nicer to my sister.

Bear: I resolve to keep my room neater.

Later today I plan to upload all of the photo files from the trip, so eventually there will be some holiday photos posted, just as soon as I scrutinize them for any incriminating evidence of my holiday eating free-for-all.

Right now we're digging out from trip laundry, restocking the fridge, and chauffering the social butterflies around. Can you believe they both had invitations from friends after being home less than 24 hours?? Sheesh.

What are your New Year's Resolutions? We'd like to hear 'em.


Nana said...

My New Year's Resolutions are:

Eat Less
Exercise More
Lose Weight

#1quiltinggrandma said...

I resolve to work at healing my broken heart and keep all my family, friends and acquaintances close to my heart every day. Grandma

To always do my best! Grandpa