Frankly, I don't know how this many days have gone by since my last post. Stuff has happened, photos have been taken, and several blog posts half-written in my head. Somewhere between the thought and the keyboard, life got in the way. Then, the longer I went without posting, the more whiz-bang amazing it seemed like the next post had to be. And that threw me into a prolonged state of writer's block, which I attempted to self-medicate by shoe shopping. (Didn't work, but I have the cutest new black heels. Sorry. Again with the shallow).
We've settled back into the routine of the school year and the after-school activities schedule. Tom and I sat down the first week of school to take a good hard look at our budget (not recommended as a mood enhancer unless you are Bill Gates). After listing all of our normal monthly expenditures, our exorbitantly expensive health insurance (the joys of self-employment), and the fees for the girls' extracurricular activities, we totaled the whole mess up and compared it to Tom's monthly net salary. We squinted at the numbers, re-totaled, and discussed.
Bottom line: after fourteen years of being out of the classroom, I'm heading back - this time as a substitute teacher. It's something I said I'd never do. Funny how that always comes back to bite you in the ass, isn't it?
"I'd never want to be a sub! What a terrible job!" I've been known to say airily. And it is terrible (the pay is laughable - transients probably make more money washing windshields at intersections for one hour than a sub does in a day). But it also dovetails with my kids' schooldays, it brings in more money than I'm currently earning (which would be $0 per year), I have the luxury of not subbing if my kids are sick, and it puts me back in the classroom with kids. Even though I came to the decision by necessity, I find that I'm really looking forward to it. Teenagers may be moody, hormonal, and prone to questioning authority, but I've missed the little buggers.
Also! I got to go clothes shopping. I assume that they don't want subs in yoga pants and hoodies, which has been my uniform since 1996. I also have a festive array of baseball caps and flip-flops, which I switch out for sneakers in the cold seasons. I picked up some dress pants, skirts, blouses, and cardigans. Tom, of course, grumps about how many subbing days I've already "spent" with my wardrobe enhancement, but he is a big fan of the pencil skirts and high heels.
Can you imagine the blog fodder this could generate? It's a win-win all around.
Missed you too!
It sounds like a good decision, especially if new shoes are involved.
Hey! Welcome back! I teach 8th grade and while I agree about substitute teaching not paying enough, it does have its perks (both of which you listed, ha ha). Good luck and enjoy!
I actually enjoyed most of my substitute teaching days. There was one third grade teacher in CA who had ZERO control over her class, so subbing for her was the pits. Other than that one class, though, it was generally a rewarding experience.
I liked having the option of staying home when you or Uncle Awesome were sick. That little bit of extra income helped us stay afloat.
I hope your experience with subbing will be as fulfilling as mine was. Prepare to be exhausted at the end of the day, though. The girls might be tucking YOU into bed!
Well this is all very exciting! I can't wait to hear your tales of subbing.
As difficult as subbing can be, the flexibility of being able to take a job when you want or not is a heavenly thing with the age your kids are. And, maybe you'll end up with a long-term sub somewhere that's a little more stable. I've always thought if I had to go back and sub that I'd like to be the building sub. At least you get to know the staff and the secretaries.
Hey! I'm glad you're not dead! Sorry about the migraine, though. I've never had one, but I've had teenagers, is that close enough?
You plan sounds awesome. I trauly cannot wait to hear the stories. You may even inspire me to head back to the workplace. psssshhaw!
Congrats on your decision, and I can't wait to read stories about you molding these young minds. In cute shoes, no less.
Congrats on subbing! I know a lot of people who find this VERY rewarding work!
Wow, that sounds like fun...or at least like blog fodder which equals fun for me. And also, love that it's an excuse to get a fab new wardrobe. Yay to that!
Glad you're back! Good luck with your subbing!
Tom, was the same age as Bear when I went back into the office partime and I have found it very rewarding to be out of the house.
We know you are a great teacher and you will be great at whatever class you sub.
Have to shut my computer down, the lightening is back.
Congrats on your new wardrobe and being back in the classroom! Your comment about not wanting to be seen in a casket until you lost 20 pounds really did have me rolling on the floor laughing. I sympathize on the migraines. I get them too and they really suck.
I really enjoy it--especially if you have the luxury of only taking advance jobs. Here in San Diego I make just over $22/hr, so it's not terrible money.
Oh, I love the fall leaves on your background!
great work. nice done!
Good luck on going back into the work world. I'll be interested to hear your stories.
I think it is great that you have a career that you can go back to with such flexibility - plus new clothes! Cool!
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