Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

Dear Bear and Bug,

I am so lucky to be your mom. You are the two most awesome people I've ever met, and it's been such a privilege to watch you grow and see your personalities emerge.
I've loved seeing your relationship with each other blossom from Toddler & Pesky Toy-Stealing Baby to Friends & Partner in Crime. Friends who occasionally slam doors and holler things like, "Will you please stop BUGGING me!" But that's all part of the deal with sisters. More often, I see you play elaborate imaginative games all day long, only popping into the house to ask for necessities like Popsicles, magnifying glasses, or baskets (what did you need that for anyway? never mind - I probably don't want to know).
Thanks for not judging when I make mistakes. Like flipping the piping hot monkey-bread onto a crystal platter that shattered all over the breakfast table. I love that we're able to laugh about things like that.
I'm so proud of the people you're becoming. You are kind, smart, funny, creative, interesting girls. I couldn't ask for more.
I love being your mother.

1 comment:

Grandma & Grandpa said...

These are the girls that have filled these grandparents hearts with joy and love. Wish we could experienced more of their daily life. Gosh, we miss them.